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Daily Breakfast Reduces Type 2 Diabetes Risk by 34%Results of a new study show that eating breakfast daily significantly reduce the risks of developing Type 2 Diabetes (Diabetes Mellitus), Obesity and a large waiste circumference. People who ate breakfast daily, compared to people who ate breakfast three or fewer times per week, were:
A large waiste circumference is considered a risk factor for developing a Type 2 Diabetes, and for men, is a risk factor for having low testosterone levels. See Natural Ways to Help Prevent and Treat Type 2 Diabetes. See also How to Increase Testosterone Levels Naturally People who ate breakfast at least four to six times per week, compared to people who ate breakfast three or fewer times per week, were:
Andrew Odegaard, PhD, an epidemiologist at the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, presented his research at the American Diabetes Association (ADA) 72nd Scientific Sessions. The researchers conducted an analysis of the Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults study, a study of 5115 women between the ages of 18 and 30 years who were initially examined in 1985 through 1986. The participants were reexamined at year 2, year 5, year 7, year 10, year 15, and year 20 (2005 - 2006). The study considered other risk factors for obesity and diabetes, including age, sex, race, drinking, smoking, physical activity, daily calories, and how many times a week people ate fast food. The study did not reach any conclusions as to why eating breakfast lowers risk for Type 2 Diabetes. My guess is eating breakfast provides our body fuel it need to jump start up our metabolism. An active metabolism burns more calories. Eating breakfast daily may also help maintain a high metabolism over time. More about Ralph Teller. See Ralph's 1Vigor Log Calendar. <-- back to top |
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