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Ralph Teller

Health Benefits of Swimming

by Ralph Teller

Swim for Longevity and Vigor

Want to live long and strong? Swim for longevity. Swimming is the most beneficial of the aerobic sports because it increases lung capacity, utilizes many muscles in the body, is great for energizing the vital organs, and is very low impact. Swimming builds metabolic efficiency and is a good exercise in developing breathing control skills. Swimming also makes the heart stronger, and helps lower resting pulse rate. See Resting Heart Rate as a Measurment of Health, Fitness and Lifespan

Studies have shown that Swimmers have higher Lung volumes and capacities than land based athletes and nonathletes. Swim training studies have also demonstrated increases in total lung capacities and vital capacity in children and young adults. This is believed so because (i) swimmers breath against the resistance of water in a restricted breathing patern with repeated expansion of the lungs and (ii) swimming takes place with the body in a horizontal position and this posture is optimal for perfusion of the lung capacity and diffusion of respiratory gases.

Water can have a soothing calming emotional effect. Swimming in a pool, lake or ocean can be like a mini vacation. Swimming extends life! There is beauty and art in developing a good swim stroke. Mastering this sport by developing a sleek stroke is an excellent challenge and discipline.

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