Brain Power and Mental Health

Clear Thinking Skills for Enhanced Lifestyle and Longevity
Clear Thinking, Lifestyle and Longevity. Clear Thinking plays an important role in our Lifestyle and Longevity. The higher our thought clarity the better will be our ability to perceive, solve problems, create and be self-aware. In turn, Clear Thinking skills...
Brain Foods that Protect Mental Health and Mood, Foods that Harm
Diet may be Protective of Mental Health OR Increase Risk of Psychiatric and Neurologic conditions, such as Depression Diet is inextricably linked to conditions such as heart disease, obesity, and diabetes. However, what we consume also seems to have significant...
How to Improve Our Daily Mental Freshness, Energy Levels and Productivity
We have a Daily Rhythm that Impacts Mental Freshness, Energy Capacity and Productivity What steps can we take to help keep our mind fresh and our energy levels high? We all have a recovery rhythm about every 90 to 120 minutes throughout the day that impacts our mental...
Self Actualization Skills to improve Health, Relationships, Lifestyle and Athletic Performance
Self-Actualization is a key component in enhancing Vigor, improving Brain Power, building stronger relationships, becoming a better athlete and achieving Longevity. Self Actualization is a continual process of growth and a source of pride and happiness. A richer...
CLEAR THINKING – Creating a longer, more productive life
One of the key successful components to creating a long and productive life is the ability to think clearly. For when you think about it, whatever it is you want to achieve, your foundation stone towards success or failure will be the quality of the...
How Heightened Senses and Expanded Awareness Impact Life Quality
Our brain power is enhanced when we become more aware of the things around us. Increasing our awareness and arousal is accomplished by increasing our sensitivity to our senses. Heightened sense sensitivity occurs with increased concentration on the senses while...
Brain Power – Creativity Skills for a Vigorous Lifestyle
Creativity creates a more Vigorous Lifestyle, enhances Longevity and builds strong Brain Power. Creativity increases arousal, heightens the senses and awareness, and makes for a more vigorous lifestyle. Creativity engages passion, encourages purpose, sharpens...
Brain Power – Learning and Intelligence
What is Intelligence? Intelligence is a biopsychological process that is a product of genetic heritage and psychological properties ranging from personality dispositions to cognitive powers. Intelligence is a combination of the ability to: Learn. This includes...
Brain Nutrition
Madison River, Montana
Probiotics in Milk Products Improve Brain Function
Yogurt as a Brain Food Researchers found that the regular consumption of probiotic-containing yogurt showed altered activity of brain regions that control central processing of emotion and sensation. They concluded that the probiotics found in yogurt improve...
Walking, Exercise Improve Cognitive Brain Function and Size
Exercise is one of the best ways of keeping the mind sharp Researchers found that an energetic walk three times a week increased the size of the Hippocampus, the brain’s memory hub. The researchers asked participants to take a brisk 40-minute walk three times a week...
Depression, Chronic Stress, Hostility, Cynicism increase Stroke Risk
“ . . . psychological factors . . . can have a negative impact on health." Dr. Everson-Rose.” Depression, chronic stress, or exhibiting hostility or cynicism can increase the risk for stroke, according to a new study. The study lead author is Susan Everson-Rose,...