Natural Health – Peak Performance – Longevity – Adventure

Getting Enough Calcium? – Natural Food Sources of Calcium

Ralph Teller, Ironman Triathlete

Ralph Teller, Ironman Triathlete

Key Functions of Calcium to Health and Athletic Performance

Calcium plays a key role in health and is especially important for the peak performance and health of endurance athletes, as:

  • -Calcium maintains strong dense bones.
  • -Calcium plays a key role in contraction of the heart muscle to pump blood throughout the body.
  • -Calcium is necessary for skeletal muscle contractions to occur.
  • -Calcium is essential to normal blood clotting.
  • -Calcium helps proper nerve impulse transmission
  • -Calicum enables support of connective tissue

Vitamin D and Vitamin K are also essential for bone formation and repair. Both improve bone density and facilitates the absorption of calcium. See Natural Sources of Vitamin KSee also Vitamin D Synthesis from the Sun and Food Sources.

What Weakens Bone and Muscle Development?

1. Salt. Salt saps calcium from the bones, weakening them over time. For every 2,300 milligrams of sodium you take in, you lose about 40 milligrams of calcium, dietitians say.

2. Soft Drinks.The fizziness in carbonated drinks often comes from phosphoric acid, which ups the rate at which calcium is excreted in the urine

3. Caffeine. The numbers for caffeine aren’t as bad as for salt, but caffeine’s action is similar, leaching calcium from bones. For every 100 milligrams of caffeine (the amount in a small to medium-sized cup of coffee), you lose 6 milligrams of calcium.

4. Alcohol. Alcohol prevents the bone-building minerals you eat from being absorbed. Heavy drinking disrupts the bone remodeling process by preventing the bone-building cells, from doing their job. So not only do bones become weaker, but when you do suffer a fracture, alcohol can interfere with healing.

Calcium Supplements can be Harmful to Health

There are health risks associated with the use of calcium supplements A recent study of approximately 24,000 people between the ages of 35 and 64 found participants who took regular calcium supplements were 86% more likely to have a heart attack than those who didn’t take supplements. Calcium supplements also linked to kidney stones.

Eat foods high in calcium four times a day should get you all the Calcium that you need. Below is a list of natural sources of Calcium.

Natural Food Sources of Calcium from Dairy, Beans, Nuts, Meat, Fish, Poultry, Grains, Vegetables, Fruit and Asian Food

Since researchers are finding use of calcium supplements without coadministered vitamin D is associated with an increased heart attack risk, gaining calcium from natural food sources is healthier.

Natural Food Sources of Calcium – Source: HealthLinkBC (British Columbia, Canada)

Dairy FoodsServingcalcium (mg)
Milk, with added calcium1 cup430
Milk, whole, 2%, 1% skim1 cup300
Milk, evaporated1/2 cup367
Cheese, hard50 gm360 (average)
Processed cheese spread4 Tbsp348
Cheese, processed slices50 gm276
Cottage cheese, 1 or 2%2 cups310
Cottage cheese, <0.1%2 cups156
Yogurt, plain3/4 cup290 (average)
Yogurt, fruit bottom3/4 cup233 (average)
Frozen yogurt, soft serve1 cup218
Ice cream1 cup194
Beans and Bean ProductsServingcalcium (mg)
Tofu, medium firm or firm, made with calcium sulphate150 gm347
Tofu, firm, made with calcium sulphate and magnesium chloride150 gm234
White beans3/4 cup119
Navy beans3/4 cup93
Black turtle beans3/4 cup75
Pinto beans, chickpeas3/4 cup58
Nuts and SeedsPortioncalcium (mg)
Tahini (sesame seed butter)2 Tbsp130
Almonds, dry roast1/4 cup93
Almond butter2 Tbsp88
Sesame seed kernels, dried1/4 cup50
Meats, Fish, and PoultryServingcalcium (mg)
Sardines, Atlantic, canned with bones75 gm286
Sardines, Pacific, canned with bones75 gm180
Salmon, canned with bones75 gm208
GrainsServingcalcium (mg)
Bannock1 med84
Oats, instant, regular, no sugar added1 pouch165
Non Dairy DrinksServingcalcium (mg)
Fortified rice or soy beverage1 cup319**
Orange juice fortified with calcium and vitamin D1/2 cup165
Regular soy beverage1 cup110
Vegetables (all measures for cooked vegetables)Servingcalcium (mg)
Turnip greens1/2 cup104
Chinese cabbage/bok choy1/2 cup84
Okra, frozen1/2 cup65
Mustard greens1/2 cup55
Kale1/2 cup49
Chinese broccoli (gai lan)1/2 cup46
Rutabaga1/2 cup43
Broccoli1/2 cup33
FruitServingcalcium (mg)
Orange1 med52
OtherServingcalcium (mg)
Brown sugar1 cup198
Blackstrap molasses1 Tbsp179
Regular molasses1 Tbsp44
Asian FoodsServingcalcium (mg)
Dried fish, smelt35 gm560
Soy bean curd slab, semisoft100 gm308
Daylily flower100 gm303
Sea cucumber, fresh100 gm285
Soy bean milk film, stick shape100 gm77
Seaweed, Wakame, raw1/2 cup63
Seaweed, dry (agar)1/2 cup50
Fat-choy, dried1/4 cup50
Soy bean milk film, dried100 gm48

More about Ralph Teller