
Faith, Trust and Pixie Dust, the Art of a Swim Taper
"By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.”Benjamin Franklin- founding father, swimmer, inventor of fins and hand paddles. Eddie Reese the coach of The University of Texas just won his eleventh NCAA Swimming title. When I asked him how you know if the taper is...
A Pool and Dryland Workout to Improve Open Water Swim Speed
Thomas Lurz is one of the world's best distance open water swimmers and won the Silver medal at the 2012 London Olympic Games 10k Open Water Marathon Swim. 1Vigor interviewed Thomas on the topic of pool swim workouts to improve open water swim speed....
Triathlon Race Day Swimming Tips
"Dedication is what you do when no one else is watching." How Elite Triathletes and Age Groupers can Improve Swim Performance Here are some tips to help you have a great triathlon swim on race day! Swim Start • Start Position: For Elite swimmers, on the start...
Swimming Hydration and Electrolyte Strategies – Improved Performance and Muscle Cramp Prevention
Hydration and Electrolyte Strategy is Important to a Swimmer's Success and Safety My favorite activity is open water swimming across Lake Washington from Mercer Island to Seattle along the I-90 Bridge, or a swim across the cool and clear waters of Rattlesnake Lake, or...
Working the stroke recovery – work when no one is working
"You’ve got to dance like there’s nobody watching. Love like you’ve never be hurt. Sing like there’s nobody listening and live like it’s heaven on earth”William W Purkey Everyone works the bottom of their stroke, we reach, then push and propel ourselves forward. But...
Head Position for Open Water Swimming
Open water skills to combat the elements There are many techniques that will work and are advisable in the pool, but in open water you need to have access to combat whatever elements Neptune might throw at you. That includes where you put your head in these elements:...
Swim Like a Superhero
“Look up in the sky, it’s a bird, it’s a plane . . . no it is just someone swimming correctly.” When I teach swimming, I always ask, “Have you ever seen a superhero take off?” Inevitably people answer, ” Yes”. I do wonder where they have seen this but...
Distance Open Water Swimming Tips
Tips to be a Good Distance Open Water Swimmer "Dedication is what you do when no one else is watching." Here are some tips to help you become a good distance open water swimmer! • Find a program you enjoy: Swimming is like anything the more you practice, the...
How to Train to Peak on Race Day
Peaking is being in the Best Physical and Mental Condition on Race Day Peaking means to be in the best physical and mental condition at a specific day and for a specific event. Of course, this is not easy and first of all a lot of experience is required, but a...
Making a Spash – Swimming Basics
Swimming Basics Swimming as a form of exercise is a great way to stay healthy. Every day people of all ages, immerse themselves in pools, lakes, rivers and oceans. Whether it is for recreation or for fitness training, swimming provides a multitude of benefits to one's...
Swimming Virtuoso: Developing Finger Awareness, Position and Strength
"Greatness is not a function of circumstance. Greatness, it turns out is largely a matter of conscious choice and discipline.” Jim Collins, Author of Good to Great - husband of Joanne Ernst, 1985 Hawaiian Ironman Champion The forgotten fingers- the 4th and 5th...
Swimming Body Position: The eternal quest for easy speed!
"Just throw me a line that’s all that I ask, Well it’s sink or swim and I'm goin' fast. I need love and it's you. And I feel like William Holden floating in a pool.” Blue Rodeo, Canadian Rock Band The best way to go fast The best way to go fast and not use a lot...