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Cannabis and Brain Function Study Finds Impact on Working Memory

Ralph Teller, Ironman Triathlete

Ralph Teller, Ironman Triathlete

Short-term memory cognitive function going up in smoke?

A recent study led by researchers at the University of Colorado (Brain Function Outcomes of Recent and Lifetime Cannabis Use) examined the association of lifetime history of heavy cannabis use and recent cannabis use with brain activation across a range of brain functions in a large sample of young adults in the US. The study was conducted using data from 1206 young adults with an average age of 29.

 The researchers concluded: “In this study of young adults, lifetime history of heavy cannabis use was associated with lower brain activation during a working memory task. These findings identify negative outcomes associated with heavy lifetime cannabis use and working memory in healthy young adults that may be long lasting.”

According to an article about the study published by the University of Colorado (Largest Study Ever Done on Cannabis and Brain Function Finds Impact on Working Memory}, the researchers found that 63% of heavy lifetime cannabis users exhibited reduced brain activity during a working memory task, while 68% of recent users also demonstrated a similar impact.

The researchers, in their summary conclusion, found: “Evidence supported that both recent and heavy lifetime cannabis use were associated with diminished brain activation and cognitive performance during working memory.”

Make informed decisions

With cannabis use growing, the researchers thought a study on the effects of marijuana to be informative and valuable to the public. “By doing so, we can provide a well-rounded understanding of both the benefits and risks of cannabis use, empowering people to make informed decisions and fully comprehend the potential consequences,” said the study’s first author Joshua Gowin, PhD, assistant professor of radiology at the University of Colorado School of Medicine.

More about Ralph Teller