Natural Health – Peak Performance – Longevity – Adventure

How to Improve Our Daily Mental Freshness, Energy Levels and Productivity

Ralph Teller, Ironman Triathlete

Ralph Teller, Ironman Triathlete

We have a Daily Rhythm that Impacts Mental Freshness, Energy Capacity and Productivity

What steps can we take to help keep our mind fresh and our energy levels high? We all have a recovery rhythm about every 90 to 120 minutes throughout the day that impacts our mental freshness and energy levels. Become aware of this rhythm and practice one or more of the below tips during each rhythm cycle will improve your overall mental freshness, energy level and capacity, productivity and life enjoyment.

Chronobiologists (scientists that study the cyclic phenomena in living organisms) have found that the body’s hormone, glucose, and blood pressure levels drop every 90 minutes or so.  As a result, overall capacity and energy level is compromised if we do not have a recovery period consistent with the body’s natural stress – recovery rhythm. It is recommended we do one of the following 6 recovery tips between every 90 to 120 minutes.

Top 6 Recovery Tips

            1. Take 15 – 20 minute Power Nap
            2. Eat some Nutritious Food
            3. Hydrate.  Drink milk, water or a natural juice
            4. Engage in some brief and different physical activity
            5. Change Channels Mentally
            6. Change Channels Emotionally

See also Sleep, Rest and Recovery.

More about Ralph Teller

Original copyright 2012