A Longevity Environment
A long healthy life is no accident.
You can add up to ten years to your life. Quality years. It begins with good genes, but it also depends on good habits.
Dan Buettner researched spots around the world where people live long and live well then wrote the book Blue Zones. He observed how lifestyle and environment come into play. He also found in many of these spots, as Ikaria, Greece have less cancer, cardiovascular disease, depression and dementia than other parts of Europe, and men outlive women.
We can learn from this list of 9 lifestyle secrets to a long quality life from Blue Zones:
Move Naturally. Stay active. Work around the house, garden, walk, cycle, walk. Live in environments that “nudged” them into physical activity
Know your Purpose. Have a reason for waking up each morning. Set short and long term goals. Articulate your sense of purpose.
Kick Back. Find ways to manage stress, whether it’s praying, napping or going for a walk. Of course, stress is important to natural selection and growth. However, stress management and rest is an important element of strength.
Eat Less. Eat only as needed to maintain an efficient weight. Portion control is a good way to manage your food input. See Portion Control. Stop eating when you are 80% full. Don’t eat within 2 hours of sleep. Make healthy choices in grocery stores, including limiting purchase of processed or sugary foods.
Eat Less Meat. Beans are a cornerstone of most centenarians’ diets. Although meat is a great source of essential amino acids, the vitamin B’s, proteins and nutrients such as iron. The thinking is not to overeat meat. While maintaining some meat, fish and poultry in your diet, have a plant-based diet.
Drink in Moderation. A glass of wine or beer a day can be beneficial . . . as is no drink at all.
Have Faith. Attend a faith-based services 4 times a month.
Power of Love. Put your family first, Maintain ties with your extended family.
Be Social. Build a social network that supports healthy behaviors! Have long term friends.
More about Ralph Teller