Resolve to Resolve No More!
Wake up. Move. Do something. Look back. Look ahead. Breathe. Think. Smile. Greet the day. Work hard. Embrace your family. Be present. Persist. Nap. Ride your bike. Run. Eat. Eat real food. Eat your competition. Eat your race. Nap. Smile. Scare yourself. Test yourself. Grow. Get up. Get back. Get there. Set a goal. Judge yourself. Judge no one. Breathe. Reach. Dig. Feel something. Look up. Get moving. Get thinking. Get somewhere. Sleep hard. Surprise yourself. Resolve to resolve no more!
Chris Harig is a competitive runner, multisport athlete, and coach based in the
Seattle area. In 2007 and 2008, Chris was the top American at the ITU Duathlon
World Championships and in 2010 was the USA Long Course Duathlon National Champion.