Cycling to achieve a higher state of consciousness
Cycling is a great way to help to reach a higher state of consciousness. Here are some of the aspects of outdoor cycling that helps you achieve ‘being in the flow’.
-Creates a sense of exploring and adventure.
-Enables clear thinking skills. See CLEAR THINKING – Creating a longer, more productive life
-Induces a physiologically healthy mind/body flow.
-Invigorates as a green experience in the fresh air and outdoors.
-Provides an opportunity to manage challenge and uncertainty. See The Vigors of Uncertainty
-Heals from the continuous sustained exercise.
-Heightens the senses.
-Is a relaxed way to manage your resting pulse rate. See Resting Heart Rate as a Measure of Health, Fitness and Lifespan
-Is a vehicle to achieve an Internal focus to become Intune with your metabolism.
Here is a good video by Simon Richardson, a former professional road racing cyclist from the United Kingdom.
In the video, Simon states he was inspired to focus on the getting in the flow aspects of cycling after reading the book by Thalia Verkade and Marco te Brömmelstroet Movement: How to Take Back Our Streets and Transform Our Lives. The book Movement explores what might it be like to inhabit a space designed for people instead of cars, and has a section focused on cycling as an integral part of everyday life.
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