Natural Health – Peak Performance – Longevity – Adventure

Multivitamin Supplements found Ineffective in Preventing Disease and are Possibly Harmful to Health

Ralph Teller, Ironman Triathlete

Ralph Teller, Ironman Triathlete

Unprocessed natural foods are your best source of vitamins and minerals

According to 3 separate new studies, multivitamins and minerals supplements, have no health benefits and might even be toxic to the body. “We believe that the case is closed . . . supplementing the diet of well-nourished adults with (most) mineral or vitamin supplements has no clear benefit and might even be harmful.”, concludes editors summarizing the 3 studies in the Annals of Internal Medicine.

The first study found limited evidence supports any benefit from vitamin and mineral supplementation for the prevention of cancer or cardiovascular dissease (CVD). This study reviewed two trials on more than 350,000 individuals that looked at vitamin supplement’s role in preventing chronic disease. Of note, the study found enough evidence to recommend against taking beta-carotene or vitamin E for preventing both diseases, finding they not only didn’t help but the former may raise risk for lung cancer.

In the second study found, based on the results of memory tests, researchers found multivitamins did nothing to slow cognitive decline.

The third study found that, although high-dose multivitamins and minerals did not seem to be harmful, they did not seem to reduce heart attacks, stroke, or death after a previous heart attack.

Eating natural unprocessed foods are you best source of Vitamins and Minerals!

Don’t waste your money on vitamin and mineral supplements

These doctors went on to urge consumers to not “waste” their money on multivitamins. “What will protect you is if you spend the money on fruits, vegetables, nuts, beans, low fat dairy, things like that . . . exercising would probably be a better use of the money.”, states Dr. Edgar Miller, a professor of medicine at Johns Hopkins School of Public Health.

According to Dr. Eliseo Guallar, a professor who specializes in heart disease prevention at Johns Hopkins School of Public Health,. “The message is simple: Most supplements do not prevent chronic disease or death, their use is not justified, and they should be avoided.”

U.S. supplement industry continues to grow, reaching $28 billion in annual sales in 2010. Drug company’s have huge marketing machines.

Discuss with your physician before taking Supplements. Ask your doctor about potential side effects of vitamin or mineral supplements before purchasing and consuming these supplements!

More about Ralph Teller.