Natural Health – Peak Performance – Longevity – Adventure

Milk Protects Against Colorectal Cancer

Ralph Teller, Ironman Triathlete

Ralph Teller, Ironman Triathlete

A daily glass of milk lowers bowel cancer risk by 17%

A large study conducted upon 452,778 women in the United Kingdom (University of Oxford Study) found dairy products can help reduce the risks of colorectal cancer. The study found that drinking a glass of milk every day could lower your risk of developing the disease by nearly a fifth. The study also found adding 300 mg of calcium to your daily diet, about the amount in a glass of milk, will reduce your colorectal cancer risk.

Colorectal cancer is the fourth leading type of cancer and is becoming more of a problem for our younger generation. 20% of colorectal cancer were discovered in people younger than 55. See Yale University study: Why Are Colorectal Cancer Rates Rising Among Younger Adults? 

Driven largely or wholly by Calcium

The researchers’ findings: “We conclude that dairy products help protect against colorectal cancer, and that this is driven largely or wholly by calcium.”

For a comprehensive list of natural food sources of calcium, including nutrient amount, See Natural Food Sources of Calcium

For a detailed comparison between the nutrient content of raw milk compared to pasteurized milk, See Raw Milk Nutrition Compared to Pasteurized Milk

Here is a full review of Raw Milk Nutrient Content.

The researchers’ further findings: “We showed a positive association with red and processed meat intake and weaker inverse associations with breakfast cereal, fruit, wholegrains, carbohydrates, fibre, total sugars, folate, and vitamin C.”

More about Ralph Teller